Objective: To study the feasibility, the advantages and disadvantages of anterior maxillary segmental distraction osteogenesis in correction of maxillary hypoplasia secondary to cleft lip and palate. 目的:探讨采用上颌骨前部牵引成骨技术矫治唇腭裂继发上颌后缩畸形的可行性及优缺点。
Objective: To investigate the stability of internal midface distraction in correction of severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to cleft lip and palate. 目的:初步研究和评价内置式牵引器牵引成骨治疗上颌发育不全术后的稳定性。
The operation remedied his twisted foot The prevention and treatment of secondary dento-maxillofacial deformities with orthodontics and orthognathic surgery following the repair of cleft lip and palate 手术矫正了他畸形的脚。正畸-正颌联合防治唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形
The effect of BMP-2/ PLA on maxillary growth and development of artificial cleft palate Surgical correction of severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to the repairment of congenital cleft palate 骨形成蛋白聚乳酸复合物对人工腭裂上颌骨发育的影响先天性腭裂术后继发重度上颌骨发育不足畸形的手术矫治
Application of distraction osteogenesis in severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to cleft palate 牵引成骨技术在矫治唇腭裂继发重度上颌发育不全畸形中的应用
Objective: To introduce the second repair methods and outcomes of the patients with the secondary deformities after primary repair of the bilateral cleft lip or/ and bilateral cleft lip and cleft palate. 目的:介绍双侧唇裂/唇腭裂患者术后鼻唇畸形的Ⅱ期整复方法及效果。
But it is difficult to diagnose isolated secondary cleft palate in prenatal. 但单纯继发腭裂产前检出仍较困难。
Joint Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery for the Treatment of Secondary Dentofacial Deformity following Cleft Lip and Palate Repair 98例唇腭裂患者牙颌面畸形的正畸-正颌外科联合治疗分析
Effect of secondary pharyngoplasty in consonant articulation of cleft palate patients 二次咽成形术对腭裂患者辅音清晰度的影响
To improve the selection of this secondary deformity, cleft palate must be reduced postoperative scar formation in the exposed bone surface. 要改善这种继发畸形的产生,必须要减少腭裂术后裸露骨面瘢痕形成。